
A popular concept that integrates technology into the fashion industry is tech-driven fashion.

The development of technology has always been important in influencing the fashion business. From the introduction of the sewing machine to the rise of online shopping. New technologies such as augmented reality, artificial intelligence and the internet of things have created new opportunities for fashion innovation in recent years. These technologies are being used to develop new fabrics, design more environmentally friendly clothing and provide customers new ways to get involved with fashion..

“Technology is transforming the way we think about fashion, from the way it’s designed to the way it’s produced and sold.” – Anna Wintour, Editor-in-Chief of Vogue

Widely used tech in Fashion

Virtual try-on:

Customers may now try on garments before they buy them using augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). This represents an important step for the fashion industry since it has a chance to reduce returns while increasing satisfaction among consumers.

  • Zara: One of the first major brands of clothing to use the virtual try-on technology was Zara. Customers can now virtually put on clothing on their own bodies thanks to a feature the company launched on its website in 2019. This feature has been a big success; according to Zara, it has lowered returns by 25%..
  • Nike: To help customers choose the best size and fit for their shoes, Nike has also introduced a virtual try-on technology. Customers can now try virtual shoes for models of various shapes and sizes with the help of the company’s Nike Virtual View feature. Clients who have difficulty finding shoes that fit their feet have found this feature to be  very helpful.

Personalized clothing:

Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence (AI), it is now possible to create personalized clothing that is tailored to the individual wearer. This technology can take into account factors such as body shape, style preferences, and even climate conditions.

  • True Fit: True Fit is a company that uses AI to recommend the right size and fit for footwear and apparel. The company has a database of over 50 million body measurements, and it uses this data to create personalized size charts and fit recommendations.
  • Lalaland: Lalaland is a company that uses AI to create virtual avatars of users, which can then be used to try on clothes before they buy them. The company also uses AI to recommend clothes that are tailored to the user’s personal style and preferences.

Sustainable fashion:

Technology is also being used to make fashion more sustainable. For example, AI can be used to optimize the production process, reduce waste, and track the environmental impact of clothing.

  • Patagonia: Patagonia is an outdoor clothing company that is using AI to reduce waste. The company has developed an AI-powered tool that can identify and track waste throughout the production process. This information is used to make changes to the process to reduce waste.
  • Everlane: Everlane is a clothing company that is committed to transparency. The company uses AI to track the environmental impact of its clothing. This information is then shared with customers so they can make more informed choices about their purchases.

Challenges in tech driven fashion

The major challenges seen tech driven fashion:

  • Cost: Technology can be expensive, which could make it difficult for smaller fashion brands to adopt. This is especially true for technologies like virtual try-on and fashion in the metaverse, which require significant investment in hardware and software.
  • Privacy: There are concerns about the privacy of consumers’ data when using technology in fashion. For example, when consumers use virtual try-on, they are essentially giving the fashion brand access to their body measurements and other personal data. This data could be used for marketing purposes or even sold to third parties.
  • Acceptance: Some consumers may not be comfortable with the idea of using technology in fashion. For example, some people may not be comfortable with the idea of wearing clothes that are connected to the internet or that track their movements.
  • Accessibility: Tech-driven fashion can be inaccessible to people who do not have access to the necessary technology. For example, people who live in rural areas or who cannot afford smartphones may not be able to use virtual try-on or shop in the metaverse.

Even though there are some concerns that need to be addressed, there could be significant advantages. Fashion can become personalized, sustainable, engaging, and affordable thanks to technology. In the years to come, the fashion industry will become more captivating and creative as a result of this.

As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more and more innovative ways in which technology is used in the development of fashion. Fashion brands that want to stay ahead of the competition must be open to adopting new technologies and exploring new ways to use them.

The future of fashion is tech-driven, and the brands that embrace this trend will be the ones that succeed in the years to come.