Navigating the Waves of Change: Embracing Sustainability in Seafood


The vast and mysterious depths of our oceans holds a delicate balance that has sustained life for centuries. Yet, the persistent hunt for seafood has left its mark on these ecosystems. These changes are prompting a shift in our approach toward a more sustainable future in the seafood industry. 

The practice of sustainable seafood isn’t a novel concept. Centuries ago, coastal communities relied on traditional fishing methods that allowed marine populations to replenish naturally. However this delicate equilibrium was upset as fishing became industrialised in the 20th century. Overfishing spread across society, endangering many species and deteriorating the condition of our waters.

The turning point arrived when the global community began recognizing the ecological consequences of our insatiable appetite for seafood. In response, a movement towards sustainable practices emerged, emphasising responsible fishing methods and the preservation of marine ecosystems.

The current surge in popularity

In recent years, sustainability in seafood has transitioned from an isolated concern to a popular movement. Consumers are more and more aware of the impact their choices have on the environment, and this awareness has reshaped their preferences. A conscious effort to choose sustainably sourced seafood has gained popularity, influencing the behaviour of both individual consumers and industry practices.

The rise of sustainability in seafood is related to a network of interconnected reasons that extend beyond preserving the delicate marine habitats. One important factor is the alarming decline of certain fish stocks due to overfishing. By embracing sustainability in seafood, we can reverse this trend, allowing populations to recover and ensuring a future where seafood remains a viable food source.

Furthermore, sustainable fishing methods often go hand in hand with broader environmental considerations. Practices such as responsible aquaculture minimises the use of harmful chemicals and promotes the preservation of marine habitats thus contributing to the overall health of our oceans. This relationship between sustainable seafood and broader environmental goals highlights the importance of our choices in shaping a peaceful future for both the people and the environment.

What can I do ?

As we navigate the vast ocean of choices before us, it’s crucial to recognize the power we hold in shaping the future of our planet. Each seafood purchase is an opportunity to support sustainable practices and promote the health of our oceans. 

Educate yourself: 

Become familiar with certifications and labelling related to sustainable seafood. Verify that the packaging you choose complies with established sustainability standards by looking for the MSC(Marine Stewardship Council) or ASC(Agriculture Stewardship Council) labels.

Encourage Sustainable Practices: 

Choose restaurants and seafood markets that prioritise sustainability . Your demands as a customer have the power to change standard practices and encourage more responsible choices.

Diversify Your Options: 

Explore  less popular, environmentally friendly seafood selections. We reduce the demand for a particular popular species and thus promote a more balanced approach to fishing and aquaculture by broadening our tastes.

Spread the Word:  

Share your knowledge with friends and family. By increasing awareness, we can amplify the effects of sustainable initiatives and bring forth a positive change.

Some examples of Sustainable Seafood

Farmed Arctic Char:

Arctic char is an oily fish with a rich, yet subtle flavour, making it a good substitute for salmon or trout. It is often raised in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS), which is a very clean method of fish farming. This greatly reduces the issues associated with traditional fisheries embedded within wild habitats, which often release waste, chemicals, and even parasites into their surroundings.


Farmed Clams, Mussels, Oysters and Scallops

Clams, mussels, oysters, and scallops are bivalves, a type of mollusk that lives within a hinged shell. Bivalves get their nutrients from the water, so they don’t need any commercial feeds to be farmed. They also don’t create waste like fish do, meaning that polluting the habitats they are grown in is not a problem. Hence they are sustainable and make sure you choose those that are farmed or caught by diving.


Alaskan Salmon

There are five types of Alaskan salmon on the market and each tastes a bit different. Sockeyes have a rich colour, fatty flesh, and strong flavour while pink salmon has a lighter colour and flavour. It is sustainable as wild Alaskan salmon is regulated very closely and their stocks are healthy. They’re also often caught using pole and line or troll methods, which have a minimal environmental impact.


Albacore Tuna

Albacore tuna is subtle, white meat that can be flavoured with strong flavours like lemon, black olives and tomatoes. The mercury that is typically found in tuna affecting human health is not found in albacore tuna, which are younger and smaller. Always ensure to buy Albacore tuna caught by troll/pole from Canadian and US Pacific waters. Pole catching eliminates bycatch of species like dolphins.


Dungeness Crab

The meat of the Dungeness crab is white, sweet and juicy. Dungeness is the best choice when it comes to crabs as it is carefully managed with size limits and trap restrictions. Dungeness crabs are harvested with traps, ring nets and even by hand using dip nets which limit bycatch. Look out for Dungeness crabs that are trap caught in Canada, California, Oregon and Washington and avoid Dungeness crab that is trap caught in Alaska or Atlantic Dungeness crab.


The journey towards sustainability in seafood involves both individual and group efforts. It involves understanding the balance of our oceans, realising how our decisions affect one another , and actively participating in the shift toward responsible practices. By embracing sustainable seafood, we not only secure the future of our favourite dishes but also contribute to the broader goal of building a more peaceful and sustainable environment.